Aspiring Data Scientist


Live Code Deployed on Streamlit

Whatsapp Chat Analyzer

An end to end project deployed using Streamlit to analyze your whatsapp conversations of the overall group or a single user and visualize some unseen insights of those beautiful conversations you had.

Genre Specific Music Generation using RNN-LSTM

Deep Learning Model RNN is used to train for multiple genres of music in order to generate music resembling that particular genre it was trained on. Using the power of the Magenta library, a piece of personalized music can be generated for that particular user based on their genre preferences.

Live Code Deployed on Streamlit

Delhi Housing Price Prediction

Data fetched from MagicBricks website. Cleaned the data and some feature engineering, then trained various models and chose the best model based on their R2 Score. Finally deployed the model on Streamlit servers. The project is live, check it out.

About Me

As a highly motivated and passionate individual, I am constantly seeking out new technologies and opportunities to learn and grow. I have a natural curiosity and a desire to understand complex concepts at a deeper level, which drives my interest in emerging technologies and their potential impact. I am a team player and thrive under pressure, with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically and analyze situations effectively.I am particularly drawn to the vast potential and transformative power of Artificial Intelligence and am motivated to learn and work in this field. I have a number of projects in the areas of Machine Learning and Deep Learning, including a recent internship project with AT&T titled "Music Genre Recognition and Synthesizer using Recurrent Neural Network".In addition to my expertise in ML, I have practical experience with programming languages such as Python, Java, and SQL, as well as software such as MS Office, Blender, Unity, and After Effects. I also have strong foundations in Data Structures, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Git, Pandas, Numpy, and TensorFlow.Outside of work, I enjoy playing soccer and am a devoted fan of Real Madrid. I am inspired by the work ethic and dedication of players like Cristiano Ronaldo, and I also enjoy playing and potentially developing video games. Travel is a major passion of mine, and I hope to have the opportunity to explore the world in the future.If you would like to connect with me, please do not hesitate to reach out at the below platforms 👇

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